Friday, November 14, 2008

Time to look back and ponder

Its been quite a journey on the blogosphere

This process of creating and maintaining a blog has been enlightening in the sense that I was able to be exposed to issues and challenges in writing and designing for an online audience. As a blogger I have discovered various skills in editing and designing and also planning out a suitable layout for a blog that will be most effective in attracting readers to my blog.

Important design factors such as integrating form and function to produce an effective piece as proposed by Bear (2006) that form needs to work with function to achieve the goal of the document. The theory of multimodality by Walsh (2006, p.24) has also been applied to the blog, as a various mix of images, text and video can be used to enhance the message being sent.

I also learnt that as a blogger and part of the web community, there are certain stances I must take. For example, the posting of content of pornographic and inappropriate nature is strictly prohibited. Using correct grammar and refraining from using internet jargon and shorthand is also important to send out the right message about the purpose of this blog.


Bear J.H, 2006, Form and Function in Design and Publishing,, viewed 12 October 2008,

Walsh, M 2006, ‘The ‘textual shift’: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts’, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 24-37.

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